WordPress 6.3: Full Site Editing, New Block-based Default Theme, and More

WordPress 6.3 “Lionel” is finally released as the second major update of the year. This release merges 10 Gutenberg versions into WordPress 6.3 core, bringing features like synced patterns and style revision. These new features enhance the block editor’s workflow and expand its customization WordPress 6.3 possibilities.

Table of Contents

WordPress 6.3 New Features

What’s New in WordPress 6.3: A Revamped Site Editor, a New Command Palette, Style Revisions, New Blocks, and Much More!

  • Enhanced Navigation in the Site Editor.
  • A New Block Pattern System.
  • Style Revisions Exposed in the Site Editor.
  • The Command Palette.
  • Additional Features and Improvements to the Site Editor.
WordPress in 6.3

WordPress announced that 6.3, scheduled for release in August 2023, will help websites attain better Core Web Vitals SEO scores, particularly with regard to Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).

While page speed is a small ranking factor in Google, page speed is important as it can lead to higher sales and improve ad views and clicks.

Focusing on user experience can help with how long a user engages with a website, WordPress 6.3 whether they will recommend the site and if they return again and again.

Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a metric that measures how long it takes to render the largest image or text block. The underlying premise of this metric is to reveal a user’s perception of how long WordPress 6.3 it takes to load a webpage.

What’s being measured is what the site visitor sees in their browser, which is called the viewport.

WordPress in 6.3

The optimizations achieved by WordPress in 6.3 achieve a longstanding effort to precisely use HTML attributes on specific elements to achieve the best Core Web Vitals performance.

Fetch Priority HTML Attribute

Fetch Priority, written in HTML as fetchpriority, is an HTML attribute of webpage elements (resources) such as images, CSS and JavaScript.

The purpose of fetch priority is to tell the browser which webpage resources need to be downloaded fastest in order to render the content that a site visitor sees in their browser, what’s in their viewport.

Content that is not in the viewport, which is content that a user WordPress 6.3 has to scroll down the page to see, has a lower priority than content that’s at the top of the page and in the site visitor’s viewport.

Fetch Priority HTML Attribute

Fetch Priority, written in HTML as fetchpriority, is an HTML attribute of webpage elements (resources) such as images, CSS and JavaScript.

The purpose of fetchpriority is to tell the browser which webpage resources need to be downloaded fastest in order to render the content that a site visitor sees in their browser, what’s in their viewport.

Content that is not in the viewport, which is content that a user has to scroll down the page to see, has a lower priority than content that’s at the top of the page and in the site visitor’s viewport.

Fetch Priority, written in HTML as fetch priority, is an HTML attribute of webpage elements (resources) such as images, CSS and JavaScript.

WordPress in 6.3

The purpose of fetchpriority is to tell the browser which webpage resources need to be downloaded fastest in order to render the content that a site visitor sees in their browser, what’s in their viewport.

Content that is not in the viewport, which is content that WordPress 6.3 a user has to scroll down the page to see, has a lower priority than content that’s at the top of the page and in the site visitor’s viewport.

Virtual SEO Summit
Explore the future of search with top SEO leaders on Oct. 25.



Fetch Priority allows a publisher to control which resources have a high priority and which ones have a low priority.

WordPress 6.3 contains a new feature that adds the fetchpriority attribute to the image that is most likely to appear in the site visitor’s viewport.

The WordPress announcement noted:

“WordPress now automatically adds the fetch priority attribute with a value of “high” to the image it determines most likely to be the “LCP image”, i.e. the image that WordPress 6.3 is the largest content element in the viewport.

The attribute tells the browser to prioritize this image, even before it has computed the layout, which typically improves LCP by 5-10%”

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